The Napoleon III apartments were the second area I wanted to visit during my "Free 1st Sunday" visit to the Louvre (this past weekend). This area was refurbished during the Second Empire (the time when Napoleon III was Emperor from 1852 to 1870) for the Ministry of State.
The recorded tour guide said that Napoleon never actually lived in these rooms. They are called the Napoleon apartments only because of the time they were built.
These rooms were part of the new wing added on the Louvre between 1852 and 1857 to link the Louvre Palace and the
Tuileries Palace.
These are the original Louis XIV style opulent decorations and furniture in the reception rooms.
After the Paris Commune in 1871, these rooms were used by the French Finance Ministry.
The more time I spent in the museum, the more I wanted to learn...Here are a few more of the photos taken during the day.
Napoleon III. ( uh, I thought there was only one!) but quickly learned that Napoleon I was actually his Uncle. Napoleon II died young while in prison and
Napolean III (this one) is the one we know is responsible for hiring Baron
Haussmann to redesign the streets of Paris, with the beautiful architectural designed buildings that line the street of Paris today.
Haussmann's plans also include the design of the
Bous de Boulogne (my jogging destination) along with several other beautiful parks inside the city.
Napoleon apartments hallway.
Napoleon Apartments Office.
Grand Reception Room.
Dining Room.
Ceiling of Grand Reception Room.
Grand Staircase leading to the Napoleon Apartments.
The more time spent in the Louvre, the more there is to learn. This will not be my last "Free Sunday" visit.
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