My younger sister's enthusiasm for this book (look left) has rubbed off on me as I watch her blazing through exciting goals and accomplishments in her own life in Las Vegas. She's fueled by her new BFF, Bethenny Franklel's book "A Place of Yes".
I bought the book. I'm inspired! From my own place of yes, I've decided to change my personal motto from "Just Live." to:
"Do your own
"something" in the now."
Martini and Croque Monsieur meets (almost) Skinnygirl Margarita |
Bethenny Frankel also created the
Skinnygirl Margarita , a product which I don't think has made it to Paris. Inspired by her anyway, I ordered the margarita and a
croque monsieure to celebrate, discovering my "Place of Yes", the last few days of summer and the beginning of a new season in Paris.
Walking Home, just a random photo of Eglise de las Sainte-Trinte |
...still walking, no matter how many times, I see the sparkling tower in the evening, it takes my breath away. |
My place of yes, is still someplace in Paris...(to be continued).
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