Monday, November 15, 2010

A Song from my Sister.

"How can you be unhappy in Paris? Your life is fabulous!" my friend wants to know.
I agree, my life in Paris is Wonderful almost every single day, and I am truly happy, but I can't be happy all the time.

Sometimes, it's all I can do to "Just Live."

"It's normal to be unhappy sometimes.", my friend B assures me every time my emotions cascade.

Trying to establish a life in Paris, organize my own international business, pay rent, mortgages, car payments, taxes, cell phone bills, evict tenants long distance, manage property managers, renovate and repair homes in Florida, job interviews and finding love...sits heavy on my shoulders and causes me to fall sometimes. Love is supposed to pick me up, but he stands too far away to notice, preoccupied, not strong enough, weak, it makes me cry.

My friends tell me to get up with loving and supportive words, but for some reason, only my sisters can actually pick me up. (with a loving kick in the friends wouldn't dare.) My sisters pick me up through daily emails, family love, and support. I'm grateful for my sisters and my friends.

My younger sister sends me a song...

I'm standing now, walking, ready to run again, thanks to the support of my friends and my sisters. I'm standing now and running towards home. Running towards Las Vegas, to be with my family for the holidays.

When I return to Paris after Thanksgiving and Christmas, things will be different.
Beautiful flowers always bloom.

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