Tuesday, February 23, 2010

500 Euros per Week - Plans at Cafe Du Trocadero

This cafe just might become my fav place to hangout in Paris, because of the fabulous view of the Tower! Tonight I met a friend here for mmm, mmm, mmm Hot Chocolate. The company was great, conversation wonderful, fun and inspiring.

Here is where my friend and I began to brainstorm on how I can earn 500 euros per week in Paris. (A necessity, to live the life I plan to live in Paris...) Plan A was to sublet my apartment for only 71 euro per night. Voila! 500 euros per week, but that plan leaves me sleeping in the metro station. Plan B, sublet his apartment (since it's twice as large as mine), he stays with me, rent-free! Voila!! For some reason, he didn't think that was such a great idea. Plan C (because I must always have a Plan C in Life). I sell copies of Air Jordan Sneakers where originals cost 150 euros per pair, I sell for only 50 euros per pair and sell 10 pairs per week. Voila!! 500 euros per week!! This Plan lands me in jail for various reasons, so we decided against it.

The quality of life I plan to live here in Paris, must wait just a little while longer...

"Let's go for a walk." he says. "I'm not giving up, 500 euro per week is not that much to earn!" I reply promisingly, as we leave to go for a beautiful walk through the city of Paris.

Cafe Du Trocadero
The View from Cafe Du Trocadero

Ahh, my Most Favorite Place to Be.


I Love Paris!
I love Paris with or without the Euros...for now.

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