Friday, June 26, 2009

A Question to Myself Today

What do I do in the middle of the game, when I decide that I don’t want to play anymore? Do I walk off the field, or do I stick it out until the last play?

Or, do I… Just Quit?
Then suddenly I realize this was never a game. It’s not possible to wait for the last play.

So I ask myself, what do I do, when I find myself half way down, in the middle of the road, going the wrong way?

I’ll look at him and tell him, this is not where I am supposed to be. Pardon me. I’ve made a mistake. I must be on my way now…Then I’ll go. I’ll leave and find my way.

I’ll find my way in Paris, just not with you.

I think I need a "Happy Meal"...Au Revior!

1 comment:

  1. LOL.. I actually ate at McD.. our first night in Paris, we got off the Metro one stop before our hotel then turned the wrong way.. found a McD.. ordered a small hamburger and couldn't remember how to say glass of water! Luckily someone in line helped me and I will never forget!
