Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Replacing My Best Friend "B"

The Replacement: Cheeseburger, Small Fries and a Small Diet Coke

I miss my Best Friend "B" and this is the only thing that makes me feel as good as his comforting words. This is where I go when I need comfort and I don't have my Best Friend "B" to turn to.

The reality is, that my best friend has a girlfriend now. (but I knew him first!) Some say it is possible for a girl and a boy to be "Just Friends", but I'm not so sure...yet. Others say, as long as I know and understand his intentions for our friendship, I should be fine. What good is it to know his intentions when I don't know my own?

So until I can sort out my own intentions for my Best Friend "B", I've decided to turn to my replacement, Mc"D". The reality is, this cheeseburger, had buns that were mushy and smelled a little strange...I never had that problem with my best friend "B".

I hope to find my replacement Mc"D" waiting for me in Paris when I'm in need. I just hope with better buns...

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